Sweet man
I was sitting in the bar the other night and I was sitting there just looking so pretty. I had a gentleman walk up to me and he asked me so sweetly in my ear if he could take me to dinner. I said sure baby I then went to dinner with him. And then I leaned over and said baby you know I’m a cheeky with a dick don’t you? He said yeah baby that’s what I want he said do you mind if we go home now I said now on the trip home he played with my cock. He got me rock hard. When you got me home he put his hand on my skirt, lifting it slightly. He then put his hand down my panties as we walked into the house. When he got inside he lifted the skirt and took off my panties took my rock hard cock into his sweet little mouth and began to blow me.
You want to hear the rest of the story? You’re gonna have to call me baby and tell me exactly what you want to know, because I’ve got all kinds of nasty details. I can get you hard and we can come together to these nasty little details that he did to me I so can’t wait because he says he wants to see me again I keep telling you about it if you call me. Come on baby you know my number dial my digits and let’s have some fun.